

Author: Compass Business Coaching

Garry Kishbaugh Accepted into Forbes Business Council

Garry Kishbaugh Accepted into Forbes Business Council

Posted By Compass Business Coaching
September 19, 2020 Category: Business, Latest News

Garry Kishbaugh, CEO of Compass Business Coaching, a Cleveland based business, executive and leadership coaching firm, has been accepted into the Forbes Business Council, the foremost growth and networking organization for successful business leaders worldwide. Garry Kishbaugh was vetted and selected by a review committee based on the depth and diversity of his experience. Criteria for acceptance include a track record of successfully impacting business growth metrics, as well as personal and professional achievements and honors.   Read the Full Article

Compass Book Review: Good to Great

Compass Book Review: Good to Great

Posted By Compass Business Coaching
August 28, 2019 Category: Recommended Reads

Garry's Must-Read Books For All Business Owners Good to Great by Jim Collins  Good to Great by Jim Collins is a must-read business classic. Jim Collins analyzes the different types of leadership in business. He uses real examples of how to build a culture that lasts verses the cult like culture many business leaders try to develop. This classic was written almost 20 years ago and is still accurate today. Business leaders committed to real business growth will benefit from the compelling information shared in this book.         Garry Kishbaugh, Managing Director of Compass Business Coaching, and been helping business owners make a powerful impact in their organizations through his effective and unparalleled business strategies. His experience and extensive business knowledge has earned him the recognition of one of Cleveland’s leading entrepreneurial and business coaches, creating measurable results for his clients. Click here to contact Garry and find out how you can qualify to receive get a complimentary coaching

Is Your Business Missing Out on These Key Elements?

Is Your Business Missing Out on These Key Elements

Posted By Compass Business Coaching
August 07, 2019 Category: Strategies, Business, Mindset

Learn effective strategies to growing your annual income with avoiding

Does Your Business Strategy Look Like This?

Does Your Business Strategy Look Like This

Posted By Compass Business Coaching
July 31, 2019 Category: Strategies

Is your business strategy missing these key elements?

Are You a Proactive or Reactive Business Leader?

Are You a Proactive or Reactive Business Leader

Posted By Compass Business Coaching
July 24, 2019 Category: Leadership

Are you a proactive or reactive business leader? Learn how changing your leadership style can increase your revenue and grow your business.

Compass Book Review: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Compass Book Review: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Posted By Compass Business Coaching
July 03, 2019 Category: Recommended Reads

Garry's Must-Read Books For All Business Owners The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful lessons in personal change by Steven Covey This is a top pick of mine because of its straight-forward, step-by-step guide on creating habits to becoming a more effective leader and successful business owner. It uses real-world examples, lessons, and scenarios that will resonate with all professionals. Teaching the concept of self-mastery, this book is a must read to learning how to mastering ALL aspects of your life.          Garry Kishbaugh, Managing Director of Compass Business Coaching, and been helping business owners make a powerful impact in their organizations through his effective and unparalleled business strategies. His experience and extensive business knowledge has earned him the recognition of one of Cleveland’s leading entrepreneurial and business coaches, creating measurable results for his clients. Click here to contact Garry and find out how you can qualify to receive get a complimentary coaching

3 Strategies to Avoid Burnout in the Workplace

3 Strategies to Avoid Burnout in the Workplace

Posted By Compass Business Coaching
June 19, 2019 Category: Productivity

Feeling stressed? Avoid burnout in the workplace with these strategies.

Compass Book Review: Never Split the Difference

Compass Book Review: Never Split the Difference

Posted By Compass Business Coaching
June 12, 2019 Category: Recommended Reads

Garry's Must-Read Books For All Business Owners Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss A fascinating read on the art of negotiation and the importance of emotional intelligence, Never Split the Difference offers techniques all business owners can benefit from. The tools shared are powerful yet practical, and will benefit you and your team members in navigating difficult conversations to close the deals you want.        Garry Kishbaugh, Managing Director of Compass Business Coaching, and been helping business owners make a powerful impact in their organizations through his effective and unparalleled business strategies. His experience and extensive business knowledge has earned him the recognition of one of Cleveland’s leading entrepreneurial and business coaches, creating measurable results for his clients. Click here to contact Garry and find out how you can qualify to receive get a complimentary coaching

5 Killer Ways to Drive Sales with Existing Customers

5 Killer Ways to Drive Sales with Existing Customers

Posted By Compass Business Coaching
June 05, 2019 Category: Sales

5 strategies to drive growth utilizing existing customers.

Compass Book Review: Be Quick But Don't Hurry

Compass Book Review: Be Quick But Dont Hurry

Posted By Compass Business Coaching
May 15, 2019 Category: Recommended Reads

Compass Business Coaching's book review on Be Quick, But Don't Hurry and it's lesson on leadership.

Sales Scripts: The secret to a superstar sales team

Sales Scripts: The secret to a superstar sales team

Posted By Compass Business Coaching
April 24, 2019 Category: Sales

A sales script is a strategically thought-out and written down set of questions for your sales team to use every time they approach or reach out to potential customers. A script is a useful tool because creates consistency amongst your team to ensure they are asking the right questions in each interaction. When planning your sales script, consider the following: Identify your market: You don’t want your team reaching out to anyone who would not be interested in your product or service. Implement a system: It’s unlikely your sales team will sell large, expensive items in one step, but they should be able to close a $50 sale in two steps or less.  Define your message: People can put off buying forever. If you don’t give them a reason to act now, your script will be unlikely to work. Focus on the customer: The language of your script should be targeted towards the buyer. If it says “I” and “we” throughout, it’s likely you will struggle to hold their attention. Aim for wording such as: “It sounds like quality is very important to you. By buying from us, you will get that plus a whole lot more.”  Your script should have a clear goal— it needs to take people from point A (your initial statement) to point B (where you ask the prospect to take action). Before writing your script, clearly define what your point B is. Do you want them to purchase right then and there, or do you simply want them t

4 Ways Delegating Can Grow Your Business

4 Ways Delegating Can Grow Your Business

Posted By Compass Business Coaching
April 17, 2019 Category: Leadership, Management

Have you ever tried delegating a responsibility to a member of your leadership team only to not have it go as planned? Where was the breakdown in communication?  Effectively delegating tasks and authority to another member of your team is an important aspect of being a business owner. Yet how many times have you found yourself bogged down because you don’t have the time to explain the project or task to someone else?  We all have the same number of hours in a day. Knowing when and how to delegate can dramatically increase your productivity, giving you the freedom to focus your talents on other strategic areas of your business, and make an impact on your bottom-line.    Consider these phases of ways to delegate effectively:      1) Prepare with Documentation   An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Your team member can’t deliver what you’ve asked of them if the task delegated isn’t clearly defined. Developing a documented or written out process can serve as a guide for them to thoroughly execute the new responsibility.  2) Investigate and Assign   When asking a team member to take on a new job-duty, it helps to consider their personality or work-style. Adjusting the way you communicate the new task can make an impact on how well they understand the new responsibility. Confirming understanding only takes a few seconds to ask, but a critical step in effective delegation.  3) Let

How Healthy Is Your Organization?

How Healthy Is Your Organization

Posted By Compass Business Coaching
April 10, 2019 Category: Leadership, Management, Organizational Structure

How do some companies thrive while other similar businesses struggle with growth? What are successful companies doing differently?  Business owners or those in leadership are continuously faced with the challenge of maintaining exceptional team members that are dedicated to the vision of the company.  It can be easy to lose yourself in day-to-day tasks and meetings, but when your team is your greatest business asset, it’s crucial to stay connected and foster a company culture of security and trust. And in an environment where team members strive to not just be heard—but to find purpose in their efforts, the health of your organization can have an impact on the overall success of your business.  How do you feel you are doing as an organization in the following areas and would your team agree with your opinion?   Building a Foundation  Your team members walk through the doors each day looking to make a difference in some shape, way, or form. Whether that’s going above and beyond on an assignment or participating in a philanthropic project, it’s different for each person. Are you communicating value to your team by showing them you have their best interests in mind?   Put the Spotlight on Learning   As team members desire to grow and exercise their abilities, honest mistakes will inevitably be made. Creating an environment of teaching and learning verses punishment can help team members understand what went wro

3 Secrets to Increasing Sales Without a Huge Investment

3 Secrets to Increasing Sales Without a Huge Investment

Posted By Compass Business Coaching
February 14, 2019 Category: Sales

All business owners want to increase sales. But that can be meaningless if you aren’t generating money after your expenses are taken into consideration. The following strategies in this article will help you get started on the path to greater profitability. Showcase Your Expertise Through Content Marketing  The power of content marketing when compared to traditional methods is significant. In our now digital world, it enables prospective clients or customers to find your business and show an interest in it, rather than the other way around. It’s a way to showcase your knowledge in your product or service and create a level of trust in your brand. You don’t have to invest as much money and time trying to get their attention since they are seeking you out first.   Use Up-Sells Effectively Up-sells are an easy way to generate more revenue from an otherwise normal transaction. If you’re not utilizing this strategy, chances are your business isn’t earning half as much as it should. Your customers already know you and trust your product or service. By training your employees with pre-determined scripts or instructions, you have the potential to provide a significant amount of additional revenue to the business with very little investment and a minimum amount of training time.  Celebrate Your Team  Employees need to feel purpose or value in the work they do. Most of the time sales teams will only put in enough effort to

Why Does EVERY Professional Need a Business Coach?

Why Does EVERY Professional Need a Business Coach

Posted By Compass Business Coaching
February 04, 2019 Category: Business

If you’re a business owner or an executive, you’re probably already running a profitable company. But once you’ve achieved that level of success, how do you ensure you will continue down that path? As a professional, how do you continue to grow?  Just as a football or basketball coach would assess strengths or identify slight adjustments needed in their players, a business coach does the same for professionals. A coach can propel you to move forward and break free of the things holding you back and the hurdles that might come in your way. As the business environment evolves, the insight and perspective provided by a business coach can help you make the adjustments you need to accelerate your personal and professional growth. We as individuals do not see ourselves like others see us, especially in the position like a business owner or executive. Often times we get caught up in the day-to-day grind that when something goes wrong, we only see that particular problem, preventing us from envisioning new possibilities. A business coach helps bring a new perspective that allows you to identify the root cause of an issue and address it accordingly.   Business coaches are experts in their field, so with their experience and hands-on knowledge, they know what adjustments need to be taken to set your company up for even greater success. The principles of any wildly successful business are the sam

Getting Off The Hamster Wheel: Strategies to increase productivity

Getting Off The Hamster Wheel: Strategies to increase productivity

Posted By Compass Business Coaching
January 18, 2019 Category: Productivity, Strategies

Do you constantly feel overwhelmed? Do you feel like you work long hours only to see the work continue to pile up no matter how hard you work? You could be stuck on the metaphorical hamster wheel of life. You spend your days running a successful business, fielding calls, bouncing from meeting to meeting, managing a team and trying to balance your personal life somewhere in between, only to wake up to a to-do list that never seems to get smaller. Can you relate? A common sentiment we hear from business owners is, "If only I had more time..." We all have the same number of hours in a day but the most success people know how to make the most of them. There are ways to better manage your time and energy so you can work less and make more. Over 88% of business people don't accomplish their top three priorities on any day.  Let that sink in-over 88%. That's pretty much all of us. But why?  We live in a world of constant distractions. It seems like from the moment we walk in the door of our jobs, our work flow is interrupted by an employee asking a question, an unexpected phone call, a bombardment of emails, or a disgruntled customer. Think of how many distractions you encounter during a day and how much energy it takes to address them. That's not productive and that's certainly not good for your business.  Some distractions are inevitable. But what kind of impact would it make on your day to have several tools that would allow you to min

Change Your Mindset; Change Your Life

Change Your Mindset Change Your Life

Posted By Compass Business Coaching
January 06, 2019 Category: Mindset

What would you say about a situation when someone asks, "is the glass half-full or is it half-empty?" Your answer depends on your perception. How is it that two people can have such differing views of the same situation? The answer is simple: they have a different mindset. The way you view the world is a reflection of the way your brain interprets a situation. We all come from different circumstances, and have had different life experiences. It makes sense that you could have a completely different view from the person standing next to you. Data Entry Your brain is like a hard-drive in some ways. Both consciously and unconsciously, it stores what you put into it—especially the emotions you associate with an experience. What your brain doesn’t do is determine an unbiased value of that information—it recalls what has been stored, just like a hard drive would on a computer. In the case of a positive or negative experience, your brain takes that information in but does not “fact check” it for accuracy. For example; to a child, a stove is neither good nor bad. But if they are to touch it and burn their hand, their mind will associate a hot stove with pain. The same goes for many thoughts and experiences you may have. How many times in your life have you heard people or yourself say things like this: “I’m not good enough to…….” “Why can’t you be more l

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