

Category: Business

Written Business Plan—Do I Need One?

Written Business Plan—Do I Need One

Posted By Compass
September 22, 2021 Category: Business

Do I really need a WRITTEN business plan when my business changes all the time? That's a common question. The answer is YES, absolutely you need a written business

Do You Know Your Profit Margins?

Do You Know Your Profit Margins

Posted By Compass
July 28, 2021 Category: Business

Do you know your most profitable goods or services you sell? Not just gross profit margin percentage, but real dollars going into the bank.

Does Your Business Make a Significant Profit or Did You Buy a Job?

Does Your Business Make a Significant Profit or Did You Buy a Job

Posted By Compass
July 07, 2021 Category: Business

Are you a business owner or did you buy a job? You need to be clear about your intentions when you purchase or start a

Do You Have a Dynamic Culture?

Do You Have a Dynamic Culture

Posted By Compass
June 23, 2021 Category: Business

The definition of culture is how your company thinks, acts, and interacts. The goal is to have passionate employees thinking, acting, and interacting in the best interest of the company.

Repeat vs. New Customers

Repeat vs. New Customers

Posted By Compass
June 16, 2021 Category: Business

How big would your company be if you still did business with every customer with whom you've ever done business? The answer is multiple times larger and more profitable than it is right

Is the Direction of Your Business Aligned with Your Goals?

Is the Direction of Your Business Aligned with Your Goals

Posted By Compass
June 02, 2021 Category: Business

What is the strategic direction of your business? Is your strategic direction aligned with your current goals? A lot of businesses have short-term goals that are not in sync with the long-term strategy of their businesses.

How Much does it Cost You to Acquire a New Customer?

How Much does it Cost You to Acquire a New Customer

Posted By Compass
May 26, 2021 Category: Business

All businesses focus on acquiring new customers to grow their sales year over year. If you have calculated the LTV of your customer, how do you know if acquiring a customer will be a profitable proposition?

How Much Time Do You Spend as the Owner, Manager and Technician?

How Much Time Do You Spend as the Owner, Manager and Technician

Posted By Compass
May 19, 2021 Category: Business

Where are you spending most of your time? As Michael Gerber the best selling author of “The E-Myth Revisited” points out, if you own a business, you probably have three separate roles that you fulfill in this order: Technician, Manager

What is Your USP?

What is Your USP

Posted By Compass
May 05, 2021 Category: Business

Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is what makes your product or service preferable to the competition's product or service. What makes your goods or services valuable enough to the customer that they are willing to be loyal to your brand or company and pay a premium for it? The answer starts with your customer:

What Is Your System for Prioritization?

What Is Your System for Prioritization

Posted By Compass
April 28, 2021 Category: Business

How do you prioritize so your highest priority tasks are getting handled first, and not spend your highest energy time with lower

Know Your Numbers

Know Your Numbers

Posted By Compass
March 24, 2021 Category: Business

One of the biggest shortcomings of business owners is they don't measure the proper Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for their business. KPIs are absolutely essential for success because they provide daily, objective feedback on your performance.  Do you know your numbers every

How Systemized is Your Business?

How Systemized is Your Business

Posted By Compass
March 17, 2021 Category: Business

The single most important factor in creating freedom of time is to systemize as many functions within your business as you can. Systemizing creates leverage and predictability. Leverage means getting more done with less effort and creating the ability to grow without increasing the number of people you

Garry Kishbaugh Accepted into Forbes Business Council

Garry Kishbaugh Accepted into Forbes Business Council

Posted By Compass Business Coaching
September 19, 2020 Category: Business, Latest News

Garry Kishbaugh, CEO of Compass Business Coaching, a Cleveland based business, executive and leadership coaching firm, has been accepted into the Forbes Business Council, the foremost growth and networking organization for successful business leaders worldwide. Garry Kishbaugh was vetted and selected by a review committee based on the depth and diversity of his experience. Criteria for acceptance include a track record of successfully impacting business growth metrics, as well as personal and professional achievements and honors.   Read the Full Article

Is Your Business Missing Out on These Key Elements?

Is Your Business Missing Out on These Key Elements

Posted By Compass Business Coaching
August 07, 2019 Category: Strategies, Business, Mindset

Learn effective strategies to growing your annual income with avoiding

Why Does EVERY Professional Need a Business Coach?

Why Does EVERY Professional Need a Business Coach

Posted By Compass Business Coaching
February 04, 2019 Category: Business

If you’re a business owner or an executive, you’re probably already running a profitable company. But once you’ve achieved that level of success, how do you ensure you will continue down that path? As a professional, how do you continue to grow?  Just as a football or basketball coach would assess strengths or identify slight adjustments needed in their players, a business coach does the same for professionals. A coach can propel you to move forward and break free of the things holding you back and the hurdles that might come in your way. As the business environment evolves, the insight and perspective provided by a business coach can help you make the adjustments you need to accelerate your personal and professional growth. We as individuals do not see ourselves like others see us, especially in the position like a business owner or executive. Often times we get caught up in the day-to-day grind that when something goes wrong, we only see that particular problem, preventing us from envisioning new possibilities. A business coach helps bring a new perspective that allows you to identify the root cause of an issue and address it accordingly.   Business coaches are experts in their field, so with their experience and hands-on knowledge, they know what adjustments need to be taken to set your company up for even greater success. The principles of any wildly successful business are the sam

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