

Category: Leadership

Are You a Proactive or Reactive Business Leader?

Are You a Proactive or Reactive Business Leader

Posted By Compass Business Coaching
July 24, 2019 Category: Leadership

Are you a proactive or reactive business leader? Learn how changing your leadership style can increase your revenue and grow your business.

4 Ways Delegating Can Grow Your Business

4 Ways Delegating Can Grow Your Business

Posted By Compass Business Coaching
April 17, 2019 Category: Leadership, Management

Have you ever tried delegating a responsibility to a member of your leadership team only to not have it go as planned? Where was the breakdown in communication?  Effectively delegating tasks and authority to another member of your team is an important aspect of being a business owner. Yet how many times have you found yourself bogged down because you don’t have the time to explain the project or task to someone else?  We all have the same number of hours in a day. Knowing when and how to delegate can dramatically increase your productivity, giving you the freedom to focus your talents on other strategic areas of your business, and make an impact on your bottom-line.    Consider these phases of ways to delegate effectively:      1) Prepare with Documentation   An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Your team member can’t deliver what you’ve asked of them if the task delegated isn’t clearly defined. Developing a documented or written out process can serve as a guide for them to thoroughly execute the new responsibility.  2) Investigate and Assign   When asking a team member to take on a new job-duty, it helps to consider their personality or work-style. Adjusting the way you communicate the new task can make an impact on how well they understand the new responsibility. Confirming understanding only takes a few seconds to ask, but a critical step in effective delegation.  3) Let

How Healthy Is Your Organization?

How Healthy Is Your Organization

Posted By Compass Business Coaching
April 10, 2019 Category: Leadership, Management, Organizational Structure

How do some companies thrive while other similar businesses struggle with growth? What are successful companies doing differently?  Business owners or those in leadership are continuously faced with the challenge of maintaining exceptional team members that are dedicated to the vision of the company.  It can be easy to lose yourself in day-to-day tasks and meetings, but when your team is your greatest business asset, it’s crucial to stay connected and foster a company culture of security and trust. And in an environment where team members strive to not just be heard—but to find purpose in their efforts, the health of your organization can have an impact on the overall success of your business.  How do you feel you are doing as an organization in the following areas and would your team agree with your opinion?   Building a Foundation  Your team members walk through the doors each day looking to make a difference in some shape, way, or form. Whether that’s going above and beyond on an assignment or participating in a philanthropic project, it’s different for each person. Are you communicating value to your team by showing them you have their best interests in mind?   Put the Spotlight on Learning   As team members desire to grow and exercise their abilities, honest mistakes will inevitably be made. Creating an environment of teaching and learning verses punishment can help team members understand what went wro

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