

Category: Sales

5 Killer Ways to Drive Sales with Existing Customers

5 Killer Ways to Drive Sales with Existing Customers

Posted By Compass Business Coaching
June 05, 2019 Category: Sales

5 strategies to drive growth utilizing existing customers.

Sales Scripts: The secret to a superstar sales team

Sales Scripts: The secret to a superstar sales team

Posted By Compass Business Coaching
April 24, 2019 Category: Sales

A sales script is a strategically thought-out and written down set of questions for your sales team to use every time they approach or reach out to potential customers. A script is a useful tool because creates consistency amongst your team to ensure they are asking the right questions in each interaction. When planning your sales script, consider the following: Identify your market: You don’t want your team reaching out to anyone who would not be interested in your product or service. Implement a system: It’s unlikely your sales team will sell large, expensive items in one step, but they should be able to close a $50 sale in two steps or less.  Define your message: People can put off buying forever. If you don’t give them a reason to act now, your script will be unlikely to work. Focus on the customer: The language of your script should be targeted towards the buyer. If it says “I” and “we” throughout, it’s likely you will struggle to hold their attention. Aim for wording such as: “It sounds like quality is very important to you. By buying from us, you will get that plus a whole lot more.”  Your script should have a clear goal— it needs to take people from point A (your initial statement) to point B (where you ask the prospect to take action). Before writing your script, clearly define what your point B is. Do you want them to purchase right then and there, or do you simply want them t

3 Secrets to Increasing Sales Without a Huge Investment

3 Secrets to Increasing Sales Without a Huge Investment

Posted By Compass Business Coaching
February 14, 2019 Category: Sales

All business owners want to increase sales. But that can be meaningless if you aren’t generating money after your expenses are taken into consideration. The following strategies in this article will help you get started on the path to greater profitability. Showcase Your Expertise Through Content Marketing  The power of content marketing when compared to traditional methods is significant. In our now digital world, it enables prospective clients or customers to find your business and show an interest in it, rather than the other way around. It’s a way to showcase your knowledge in your product or service and create a level of trust in your brand. You don’t have to invest as much money and time trying to get their attention since they are seeking you out first.   Use Up-Sells Effectively Up-sells are an easy way to generate more revenue from an otherwise normal transaction. If you’re not utilizing this strategy, chances are your business isn’t earning half as much as it should. Your customers already know you and trust your product or service. By training your employees with pre-determined scripts or instructions, you have the potential to provide a significant amount of additional revenue to the business with very little investment and a minimum amount of training time.  Celebrate Your Team  Employees need to feel purpose or value in the work they do. Most of the time sales teams will only put in enough effort to

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