Why Hire a Business Coach?

Why Hire a Business Coach?

Why Hire a Coach?

Do you have a mentor or business coach? I tell every businessperson I meet that “every single business needs a coach but, no one coach is right for every business”.  The best run businesses have coaches. 

The most important thing a coach brings to your business is an outsider objective perspective.  An outside perspective can help the team achieve greater goals at a faster pace because the coach is not caught up in the day to day, and doesn’t have emotions tied to issues, decisions or team members.

Even individuals can reach soaring success with the help of a coach. Here’s a few examples of the impact a good coach can make on the outcomes of your organization and ultimately, your success:

  • Shaquille O’Neal and Kobe Bryant played basketball together for three years and never came close to a championship. When Phil Jackson (their COACH) arrived that all changed. He was able to get the team to play as a cohesive unit by bringing an outside perspective. 
  • Michael Jordan, arguably the greatest basketball player who ever lived had multiple coaches, each of which covered different aspects of his life. 
  • Oscar winner, Anthony Hopkins, has had more than a half dozen different coaches for different types of activities. 
  • Eric Schmidt, the CEO of Google, used a coach to help his business even after it had become one of the fastest growing companies in the world. 

Do you have a coach? I have a coach. The one thing I can never have in my own business is objectivity, because no matter what, I can never have an outside perspective.

What is stopping you from hiring a business coach and achieving much greater accomplishments, faster than you could do on your own?

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