Try this exercise: Keith Cunningham author of “The Road Less Stupid” describes an exercise he learned from financier Michael Milken. Find a quiet room with no chance of interruption. Plan for a period of 30 minutes and sit down with a sheet of paper in front of you, numbered 1 - 10. NO distractions (including your smartphone). Now, write down all the reasons that somebody would buy from your company. Think strategically. And most importantly, take the perspective of your customer.
I highly recommend this exercise because of the impact it had on me after I was taught it. We have a tendency to look at motivation from our perspective instead of the customer’s desire to buy. We make assumptions without data and our own particular bias. To build a loyal customer base you have to understand buying motivation. When you understand why a customer buys, you have clarity on the exact value proposition you offer to that customer. Without strategically thinking, you may not be able to identify or articulate those value propositions. Take the time to define those the value from the perspective your customer. Successful companies don’t talk “features and benefits”. They communicate impactful benefits of their products and services to the customer. Another benefit of this exercise? If you don't know the specific reasons why your customers continue to buy from you, then you're never going to replicate that success with any kind of purpose to a broader customer base. Do you know what are the top 10 reasons your customers buy from you?