What is the Difference Between Sales and Marketing?

What is the Difference Between Sales and Marketing?

What is the Difference Between Sales and Marketing?


  • Marketing creates awareness and opportunity. 
  • Sales convert the interest generated by marketing into paying customers; it solidifies the decision to change. 

A lot of business owners do a great deal of marketing and assume it will bring business to their organization, but marketing is the tool to create awareness and interest. It does NOT create sales.

Do you remember when having your own website was the marketing rage?  Everyone thought a good website equaled sales flowing into the company.  Not so much.  

To create sales you need the interest generated by marketing as well as sales execution generated by your sales and customer service team. Research shows that when your sales team utilizes a linked sequential selling system marketing interest is converted into paying customers at a much higher rate.

When your sales team identifies and addresses the needs and wants of customers, you can close up to 80% of the leads you develop. If you don't use a linked sequential selling system, your closing rates are going to be very low.  It may be the one area that the management is most like to have an inaccurate perception of how their organization is ACTUALLY performing. The key is creating information, interest and desire through marketing, then addressing the customer's needs and wants and converting them into a sale.

What linked sequential selling system does your organization utilize?

Posted By Compass in Marketing

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