What Are Your KPIs?

What Are Your KPIs?

What Are Your KPIs?

What are the key performance indicators (KPIs) that you measure within your company? In every single business, there are a few key activities that, if measured, influence the overall performance outcomes of any organization. Areas of focus might include:

  • Customer satisfaction measures
  • Employee retention measures
  • Production efficiency measures

Every business has different measures of success but your KPIs tell you exactly where you need to improve or where you're doing a great job.

In your business, what are your KPIs? Common mistakes business owners make is managing too many or too few KPIs. If you’re unsure of what your Key Performance Indicators are, ask your customers! Two questions will yield EVERYTHING you need to know: 

  1. Would you recommend us to a family member or close friend?
  2. Why? 

That brief questionnaire will tell you everything you do that is of great value or, where you have missed the mark. You know your business from the inside better than anyone. Work with a certified business coach to help gain clarity on the KPIs you need to guide your business to greater profitability. It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in, there are a few key measures to help manage your business.

What are the 3-5 KPIs you should start measuring immediately?

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Posted By Compass in KPIs

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