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Double Your Profits in 3 Years or Less

Presented by:
Zuber Gardner


Success is not a destination—it’s a process. While every business runs on similar principles, your business has unique challenges and opportunities for growth. This workshop will teach you the tools required to lay the framework for accelerated business growth that can be implemented into your unique industry, using five powerful strategies to increase your income and double your profits in three years or less.  

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About Your Presenter 

Garry Krishbaugh | Compass Business CoachingGarry Kishbaugh has been helping business owners make a powerful impact in their organizations through his effective and unparalleled business strategies. His experience and extensive business knowledge has earned him the recognition of one of Cleveland’s leading entrepreneurial and business coaches, creating measurable results for his clients. Based on where you are at in the life of your business, Compass will work with you to create a business coaching program that suits your unique needs.

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